Installing on Fedora 18

In this section we assume a basic install of Fedora 18 installation.

All in One

The prerequisites can be installed with a couple of commands on Fedora.

For mpich2 do:

> sudo yum install make gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran\
        cmake zlib-devel\
        mpich2 mpich2-devel\
        hdf5 hdf5-devel\
        fftw fftw-devel\
        gsl gsl-devel\
        gmp gmp-devel\
        mpfr mpfr-devel\
        python-nose numpy numpy-f2py\
        python-setuptools python-setuptools-devel\


This line will also install matplotlib, this package is used for all plotting in AMUSE. If you do not need any plotting you can leave it out.

After installing mpich2, you need to activate it using the ‘module’ command:

> module load mpi/mpich2-$(uname -i)


We recommend to put the module activation script in your .bashrc or .cshrc file.

For openmpi do:

> sudo yum install make gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran\
        cmake zlib-devel\
        openmpi openmpi-devel\
        hdf5 hdf5-devel\
        fftw fftw-devel\
        gsl gsl-devel\
        gmp gmp-devel\
        mpfr mpfr-devel\
        python-nose numpy numpy-f2py\
        python-setuptools python-setuptools-devel\

After installing openmpi, you need to activate it using the ‘module’ command:

> module load mpi/openmpi-$(uname -i)


On Fedora you can install both mpich2 and openmpi, the module command will keep manage these separate installation, so no conflict will exists. If you change between implementation, you will need to recompile the amuse community codes with:

> make clean; make

Installing on Fedora 11

In this section we assume a live-cd install of Fedora 11 installation.


Fedora comes with python2.6 pre-installed, you can check if python is installed by doing:

> python --version
Python 2.6.2

If this fails with an error or a version before 2.6, please install python first(the package is called python). You also need the python-devel development package. To install it, do:

> sudo yum install python-devel


By default, Fedora does not install a fortran 90 or a C++ compiler. We suggest using gfortran and g++. These compilers are installed with the gcc, gcc-c++ and the gcc-gfortran packages. To install these, do:

> sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran


Fedora comes with packages for MPICH2 and Openmpi.

To install MPICH2, do:

> sudo yum install mpich2 mpich2-devel

If you prefer OpenMpi over MPICH2, you can install openmpi from the Fedora yum database. To install the openmpi packages, do:

> sudo yum install openmpi openmpi-devel


Amuse can work with HDF5 versions 1.6.* and 1.8.3. Fedora 11 has a package with HDF5 version 1.8.3. To install it, do:

> sudo yum install hdf5 hdf5-devel


On Fedora, FFTW can be installed with:

> sudo yum install fftw fftw-devel


On Fedora, GSL can be installed with:

> sudo yum install gsl gsl-devel


CMake is used to build EVTwin. On Fedora, CMake can be installed with:

> sudo yum install cmake


GMP is required for Adaptb. On Fedora, GMP can be installed with:

> sudo yum install gmp


MPFR is required for Adaptb. On Fedora, MPFR is currently included in the gmp package. So, if you have not already done so, MPFR can be installed with:

> sudo yum install gmp

Python packages in Fedora

Fedora comes with python packages for nose and numpy. You also need the setuptools package to be able to install the mpi4py and h5py software. To install these , do:

> sudo yum install python-nose numpy numpy-f2py \
    python-setuptools python-setuptools-devel

Python packages with easy_install

The mpi4py, h5py and docutils can be installed with the easy_install command:

> sudo easy_install mpi4py
> sudo easy_install h5py
> sudo easy_install docutils